Friday, February 22, 2008

oh so popular skinny jeans

Originally uploaded by attribute by angela

I'm not sure if you know this, but I have been so disappointed with the cast of Project Runway. Season 4 really has no one that stands out to me. I love Christian, but all in all, no one can compare to those from Season 2.

So, I spent this afternoon running around Oceanside trying to find Season 2 of Project Runway on DVD. After going to Best Buy, Target, and Suncoast (only to discover it has shut down), finally Barnes & Noble proudly carried this DVD set. I was so excited.

I've been wanting to turn my old pairs of jeans into skinny jeans for a while, but I've been to scared. I put on my new Project Runway DVDs for inspiration and got to work on an old baggy pair of Sevens. The finish product is to the right. It kind of puckers in the thigh, but I am happy with my outcome.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

hot pants for a boy

Originally uploaded by attribute by angela
My good friend and long lost twin, Benny, asked me to hem several pairs of cut-off shorts made from men's trousers. I've never sewn on such thick polyester fabric before and it is probably the easiest fabric ever to work with. I really wanted a picture of him wearing them so you could see how short they really are. He's got nice legs, he can pull it off.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

hearts after valentine's

So I am finally going to use this blog. I promise.

Since my boyfriend left for deployment last month, I've been crafting now more than ever. I should write about it.

For some reason I haven't been in the mood to make anything big. Instead, the past couple of days, I've plopped myself in front of the television and cut out little felt hearts. I finally practiced some embroidery from Doodle Stitching instead of just browsing through all the cute projects like I always do.

I made four heart shaped hair snap clips and one brooch. Making these while watching Lost was my St. Valentine's Day treat to myself. And now that my boyfriend is somewhere on a ship somewhere in the middle of the Asian Pacific, these cute little hearts brightened my day.

<3 angela